Deals Rummy Rules - Learn How to Play Deal Rummy

Deals rummy is a popular variant of the entertaining rummy game. It is played with a standard deck of 52 cards. In this variation, players play for a fixed number of deals, and the player with the maximum chips at the end of the final deal becomes the winner.

The game is played between 2 to 6 players, and each player is dealt a fixed number of cards at the beginning of each deal.

In Deals rummy, players contribute a fixed amount of money to a shared pool at the beginning of each deal, and the winner of each deal takes all the prize money.

Points are assigned to each card in the deck, with the numbered cards having their face value in points and the face cards (the ace, king, queen, and the jack card) carrying 10 points each. The Joker card has zero points (wild card joker and printed joker) in the rummy universe.

At the end of each deal, the players count the points they have in their unmelded cards, and the player with the lowest points wins the deal.

The game continues this way until all the deals have been played, and the player with the most chips at the end of the last deal is the winner.

Deals rummy is a challenging and exciting variant of rummy that requires strategic thinking and planning to win. It is a popular game in India and is played online and offline.

On India's most entertaining rummy app - RummyVerse, deals rummy is offered in three variants: Best of two, Best of three and Best of six deals.

Here are some deals rummy rules to learn how to play deal rummy:

What is Best of 6 Deals rummy? Top

Best of six deals rummy is played between 2 players where the winner is declared in six deals. The player with the least number of points becomes the winner. If there is a tie between the players at the end of the 6th round in the Best of 6 Deals Rummy game, a tie-breaking round is played to declare the final winner.

What is Best of 3 Deals rummy? Top

Best of three deals rummy is played between 2 to 6 players where the winner is decided in 3 deals. The winner is decided after 3 deals of rummy games. The player with the minimum points is the winner.

If one player gets more than 80 points in 2 deals, then the winner can also be decided in 2 deals. If there is a tie between 2 or more players at the end of the 3rd round, then the players play a tie-breaking round to declare the final winner.

What is Best of 2 Deals rummy? Top

The best of two-deals rummy game is the quicker and smaller version of the three. It can be played between 2 to 6 players, and the winner is decided in just two deals. The winner is the player with the minimum number of points after 2 games. The winner gets the no. of chip points of the losing player(s).

If it’s a tie between 2 or more players at the end of the 2nd Round, a tie-breaking round will be played to declare the final winner.

What is 1 Deal Rummy (Gun Shot)? Top

1 Deal Rummy, (we like to call it Gun Shot mode), is an exciting and fast-paced variant of the traditional rummy game. In this new deal game mode, there is only one round or deal, and the winner is determined based on the outcome of that single deal.

Unlike other rummy variants that may involve multiple rounds and cumulative scoring, 1 Deal Rummy keeps the gameplay quick and decisive, making it perfect for players who enjoy high-stakes action and swift results.

What are the Deals Rummy rules at RummyVerse? Top

  • Deals rummy is played between 2 to 6 players with two packs of 53 cards each, including one printed joker in each pack.
  • A high card toss is done to decide the dealer. Each player is dealt 13 cards each. After this, the first card from the pack is removed and placed above the pack facing up. The pack also contains printed and wild joker cards picked by the player by removing a single random card from the pack of cards. In the event that a printed joker comes out as the random wild card, then the ace of any suit can be used as a joker.
  • The player who gets more than 80 points, loses the game. In a 6 players’ table, the player who has the minimum number of points after the fixed number of deals is the winner.
  • Unlike Pool Rummy and Points Rummy, the DROP option is unavailable in Deals Rummy.
  • The general 10 and 13 cards Indian rummy rules apply to Deals rummy too. This means you need at least one pure sequence and another pure or impure sequence (made using a Joker card) to declare your cards.

How does the Deals Rummy game begin? Top

Each player plays the game to arrange all their cards in the required sequences and sets in the fastest possible time. Every player on their turn picks the top card from the deck and discards a card from his/her hand-held cards simultaneously. Players need to constantly think and meld their cards to make valid pure sequences and sets for a successful show.

The Joker can be used with any card to complete the player’s sets and impure sequences. A successful show will mean that the player will get zero points. It is crucial to understand that each card will carry a particular number of points onto itself and using his/her Rummy skills, the player must try to reduce the number of points.

We hope you now know the basics of Deals rummy and are ready to play this variation of Indian rummy on RummyVerse! Game On.