Privacy Policy

This is part of the 'terms' for use of this website.

If you are accessing this website and continue to use it, it will be assumed and understood that you have read the Privacy Policy herein and have agreed to the same. It is also assumed that you give us the right to make use of your information as mentioned in the terms of this Privacy Policy. In case you are not in agreement with having your information used as mentioned, you should stop using this site immediately. It should also be noted that RummyVerse RummyVerse holds the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any given time without any prior intimation. If you continue to use the site even after you are informed of the changes, it is assumed that you are in agreement and have accepted the same.

Do make note that RummyVerse wholly respects your privacy and has taken all measures to secure and protect all your information shared with us. The confidentiality of any information shared by you is maintained here. We ensure that your information will never be distributed, marketed or sold to any third party. All your information, name, contact number, address, email ID, KYC, and personal details as also your information regarding usage of the site would be kept confidential, apart from as mentioned in the Privacy Policy. In this Privacy Policy, the term 'You' or 'User' would imply to any legal or natural person who accesses RummyVerse. The term 'Your' would be interpreted accordingly.

To subscribe to RummyVerse and access the service therein, you need to provide us with the basic information as below:

  • Mobile number.

The way RummyVerse collects, uses, guards and preserves your information including your personal details like first and last name, date of birth, and contact number is explained clearly in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy also explains the way all this information may be used by RummyVerse. You are giving RummyVerse the right to use this information as mentioned in this Privacy Policy when you agree to this policy.

Certain information is collected automatically by RummyVerse when you visit the site or/and log in. This includes:

  • Your computer's address, type of browser and language.
  • The exact time and date during which you visited RummyVerse.
  • The name and address of the website from which you got RummyVerse's link.


  • RummyVerse in all probability stores email ID and all/any content and/any attachment sent by you to RummyVerse via email or via feedback on its site. RummyVerse may use your name/complete name, your email ID and display the same when we send notifications to anyone via the website. The site may also use your name and email address to send you updates and new offers if any. You have the option to stop receiving these emails.
  • Make note that when you register with RummyVerse, you are accepting to receive emails from the authorised email IDs of the website as well as other users from the website via the authorised email ID of RummyVerse. You also accept and acknowledge that when you use our referral program, you authorise us to send emails to contacts on your behalf with the email ID displayed in the email being your email ID.


  • Cookies are small text files that have been capacitated to identify the browsers you use. These files are extracted on your computer when you log in to RummyVerse. These files help the server of RummyVerse to identify your browser and provide you with a customised and enhanced overall experience on our site. The cookies are also utilised for authentication, management of the game and the purpose of security. It should be understood that cookies are just to customise your experience, they do not have access to your computer, and they do not reveal your data or share the same with RummyVerse.
  • There could be instances when advertisers advertising on RummyVerse may assign cookies. These cookies would be extracted when you click an advertisement on the site. RummyVerse has no control over these cookies and the advertiser is solely responsible for these assigned cookies.
  • Almost all browsers used to browse the web, accept cookies automatically. Also, it should be noted that almost all browsers have options to change the setting and set it to deny the cookies. However, setting the browser to not accept cookies would mean you are barring the browser to take complete advantage of our site.


Internet Protocol is a unique identifier which recognises your computer on the World Wide Web. At RummyVerse, when you log in to certain pages where security is of prime importance, RummyVerse logs your IP. Furthermore, RummyVerse may also extract your IP for system administration, troubleshooting and compilation of analytical data (calculating visits, stay on site, pages visited, etc.).

Software Applications

RummyVerse might use software applications to analyse traffic and collect statistics. This is done for the purpose of checking on advertising effectiveness, site popularity and effective communication.

  • RummyVerse takes all necessary steps to ensure the collected information is saved securely. It has employed some of the best information security applications. However, security issues are relative and RummyVerse does not stand to guarantee that the security measures adopted are absolute and cannot be violated.
  • Most, if not all, data exchanged over the internet are exposed to internet threats. Emails and chats are classic examples, an exchange process which can be seen by others. Hence it can be rightly said that information shared using these platforms is prone to security lapses.
  • However, it is to be noted that your account on RummyVerse is guarded via a mobile number login with OTP (One Time Password). On registering with RummyVerse, your account is guarded via a mobile number login OTP sent to you and supposedly you alone know of the same. The responsibility of maintaining the account credentials is solely yours. You are required to instantly bring to the notice of RummyVerse any violation of security observed by you, including compromise of your login details. The company or RummyVerse portal will not be responsible if there is any malicious activity or break through your account.

Other Websites

There are links to other websites on RummyVerse. These other websites would have their own specific privacy policy and terms of use. Users who click on these links and get redirected to other websites do so at their own risk and should read the respective website privacy policy and terms. RummyVerse is in no way responsible as they have no control over those sites.

Sharing Information

  • This privacy policy restricts its users from sharing any personally identifiable data with anyone online apart from RummyVerse's authorised personals and/or advertisers and sponsors. However, it should be noted that RummyVerse might make use of your name, login id and the name of the state from where you have logged in, at the time of declaring any contest or announcing an award and/or information requested by an official government legal entity.
  • RummyVerse accesses the information from time to time to conduct a survey of the traffic; this is done with the sole purpose of assisting marketing and advertising with information to measure their effectiveness. As per this privacy policy, RummyVerse holds the right to share your registration data with selected advertising and marketing firms. Non-personal information about users may also be used for making audits and conducting analysis.
  • It should be noted by the users that this policy is not aimed at building any legal right. This is just an explanation of RummyVerse's operation regarding the information of the users.
  • RummyVerse holds the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any point in time without giving any prior intimation.

The purpose and use of the information:

Besides the mentioned reason of the use of information in this Privacy Policy, RummyVerse will not use it for any other purpose. If need be, RummyVerse will always inform you before collecting any personal information and will also give you a valid reason for the same.

RummyVerse needs your personal information to understand your requirements and to offer you customized services at the website as mentioned below:

  • Maintaining the internal record.
  • Appealing for service and support for the services and products by RummyVerse; Order placement.
  • Participating in an online survey.
  • Participating in discussions or chats.
  • Collaboration attempts.
  • To improvise the products and services offered by our Website.
  • To send promotional communications regarding any new offers, services or other information that according to RummyVerse may interest you, to the email addresses/mobile number provided by you. RummyVerse might even use your information to get in touch with you or make use of your personal information for the purpose of market research. RummyVerse might get in touch with you via phone, email, fax or mail for supporting
    recruitment queries. or
  • For meeting contract requirements.

It must be brought to your notice that RummyVerse may offer your personal information to third parties which either work in association with or on behalf of RummyVerse. These parties either offer certain services or assist in communicating with you. Analysing data, sending emails, marketing assistance, customer services and processing payments (including payments made via credit cards) are some of the services offered by these third parties. Though RummyVerse takes care to ensure that these service providers do not make use of your personal information, apart from the ones assigned to them, however, RummyVerse might not be able to ascertain its overuse by the service providers. The use of your personally identifiable information by these third parties is not covered under this privacy policy. RummyVerse is in no way responsible for the manner in which the third party uses your information, including, but not restricted to, social networks, advertisers and other partners, or makes use of or reveals your personal information as per the Privacy Policy after RummyVerse has shared such information with these third parties. If you are not in agreement with this usage mentioned herewith in this Privacy Policy regarding sharing information with the third party, it is recommended that you do not use this Website.

This privacy policy does not restrict RummyVerse from drafting anonymous information records with the use of your personal information excluding details (like your name) that shall make the anonymous information personally recognizable to you. The website holds the right to use or share such information with its advertisers, associates and other third parties.

As per this privacy policy, RummyVerse can disclose entire or a part of your personal information with its associates, subsidiary firms, and parent firms, in which case the website would make necessary efforts to ensure that they abide by this Privacy Policy.

Your personal registered information will be considered a transferable asset in case the website undergoes a business changeover like a takeover by another firm, merger or sale of all or a part of its possessions. You, through this privacy policy hereby allow these kinds of transfers and also acknowledge that any of our acquirers have the right to make use of your personal information as mentioned in this Privacy Policy.

Legal Procedures or Government Request

RummyVerse reserves the right to share your personal details, where it thinks this revelation is essential to:

  • Abide with the related laws or answer the warrants or summons served on the Website; or
  • To guard our rights or property, third parties or you.

You, the user, hereby agree that we may share your personal details under the mentioned scenarios:

  • If called for, RummyVerse may have to co-operate with law enforcement agencies or other third parties for enforcing laws, to assist in guarding you as well as the community as a whole from bad actors. Thus, in case there is a verified appeal by any law enforcement or other government authorities regarding any supposed illegal activity or criminal investigation, we have the right to (and you give us the authority to) reveal your name, contact number, email address, city, state, user id, scam complaints and bidding history without a summon. Abiding by the law and regulations governing the law we may have to reveal your personal communications and other private information. Also, we might have to reveal your personal details to the government or any third party under these scenarios.
  • Other than as mentioned in this Privacy Policy earlier, RummyVerse does not distribute, trade, rent or share the personal information collected with third parties.
  • RummyVerse may disclose your personal details if required:
    • For enforcing the Terms of usability and this Privacy Policy or for avoiding scams, or
    • For issues related to information security, or to guard your rights, RummyVerse's rights and the rights of the general public.
  • While RummyVerse takes all the necessary measures to ensure that your personal information remains secure on the internet, it should be noted that World Wide Web cannot be completely safe. Our site cannot be held responsible for error in transmission, illegal access by a third party or any other reason which are beyond our control.
  • As stated earlier in this Privacy policy, the safety and security of your private information starts with you. It is your sole responsibility to guard the privacy of your user id and password and other personal data and you must remain cautious while revealing your information online.
  • Act of God, intervention by government bodies, political turbulence, war, civil uproar or alteration in the laws applicable in the land, for any or all of these, RummyVerse cannot be held liable, nor for anything beyond our direct control. While we put in our best efforts to safeguard your information, but, with the increase in cyber-attacks, we cannot guarantee, nor do we confirm that there would be no slip-up with regard to the security of your personal details. We do hereby declare that we would not be accountable for any indirect, incidental, momentous or disciplinary harm pertaining to the utilisation or disclosure of your personal information on RummyVerse.