
It must be noted, that all the information, services, content, links, products, and graphics available on this website are solely owned by RummyVerse. RummyVerse is the official user and holder of all the exclusive rights to this content. However, the website does not provide any assurance about the correctness of the content on this site and there must be no claim by parties accusing breach of rights by the function or information of the site.

No assurance is made of the saleability or accuracy of any content or function on the website by the owner of the website. Also, we make no claim to the users that the site would be available at all times without any interruption nor does it guarantee the non-disruptive, continuous working of the site at all times.

In its terms and condition section, we have already mentioned the alternatives available for the users in case of any interruption on the website.
While RummyVerse has taken all the necessary measures to ensure the smooth working of the website devoid of any impact by viruses and other such components, but, at the same time we do not assure that the website shall stay virus-free at all times. Also, we take no responsibility for offensive malicious codes, disabling codes, Trojans or any other virus that the user may fall prey to in the course of the use of the website.

We take no responsibility for any repair, servicing or rectification in case users log on to the website and encounter any problem caused to their system due to any malicious component launched by a third party, as in hacking by hackers.

All advertisements launched on the website do not represent or endorse the view of the website. Users viewing these advertisements and responding to them by buying the product or services do so at their own risk.

All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners/firms. All company(s), product(s) and service(s) names used in this website, and app are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply any endorsement or tie-ups. All other trademarks cited herein are the property of their respective owners.

Other than the states of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Odisha, Sikkim & Telangana, playing online rummy is legal in almost every state of India. However, we do not claim that no conditions or limitations shall be imposed on playing Rummy Online or Indian Rummy in different Indian states in future.
This game involves an element of financial risk and may be addictive. Please play responsibly and at your own risk.